Antonia Ndumba
Economix Facilitator
Antonia is on a mission to turn locals into savvy entrepreneurs. She’s not just teaching them how to manage finances; she’s turning business skills into a superpower, helping everyone cash in on local opportunities and make a living with flair.
Marika Raves
Ground Project Coordinator
Marika is a stalwart representative of the business community in Maltahöhe. With a wealth of experience and boundless enthusiasm, she’s not just grounded – she’s the driving force connecting our initiatives with the heart of the community.
Reinhold Mangundu
Overall Project Coordinator
Reinhold is coordinating the entire project. With his vast knowledge and intellectual prowess, he juggles connections with donors, academia, and ensures all reports are up to date- essentially keeping everything running smoothly and in check.

Wilma Garises
Trash-to-Treasure Manager
Wilma is our alchemist who transforms trash into treasure, and the guru of repurposing and recycling. She’s paving the way for entrepreneurial opportunities in Maltahohe, proving that one person’s junk can truly be another’s gold mine.
Stephan Brückner
Director and Initiator
Stephan is the chief captain and visionary behind the AridEden Project and Wolwedans Foundation, steering the ship with one hand while dreaming up new alternatives to make Maltahohe the place to be again.
Emilie Kandjou
Emilie is our ultimate gatekeeper of all RuralRevive’s finances, and the mastermind behind the piggy bank – always making sure it’s sufficient when we need it and closing it up when we don’t!

Piet Bamm
Operational Manager
Piet hails from Maltahohe and has a treasure trove of childhood stories to share. Though he’s the epitome of seriousness when it comes to ensuring every milestone is met and no brick is left unturned, he keeps operations running smoothly and all activities on track with a meticulous touch.
Cecilijah Nghidengwa
Happiness Manager
Ceciliah is a beacon of hope. She’s dedicated to prioritizing the well-being of our community. With a keen focus on fostering joy and satisfaction, she ensures that happiness remains at the heart of all our initiatives, making well-being a top priority for everyone involved.
Armanda Pieters
Youth and Development
Armanda hails from Matahohe and is the driving force behind bringing fresh youth perspectives and aspirations to our rural revival efforts. Working with the Constituency Development Officer, she’s on a mission to energize our community’s future and the younger generation in particular.