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RuralRevive Publication_2024

Download Press Release Capricorn Foundation 2024

Press Release Partnership_Capricorn Foundation and Wolwedans Foundation

Download Presentation 2023

RuralRevive Presentation 31 October 2023

Download Basic Information about RuralRevive here

RuralRevive_The Budding Seed
RuralRevive Flyer_JULY_2023

Download Photomaterial here


Contact for further Information


BARKING GECKO – Newsletter Sept 2022  click here to view online

ULRIKE REINHARD Maltahöhe – The Revival of a Desert Gateway (15 Feb 2023)  click here to view online

REPUBLIKEIN – Maltahöhe Gryp Groeigeleentheid aan (6 Oct 2023) click here to view online

WINDHOEK EXPRESS – International Accolade for Wolwedans (11 Oct 2023)  click here to view online

RuralRevive – Building a Desert-Based Economy is implemented by the Wolwedans Foundation and co-funded by the Social Security Commission of the Republic of Namibia, the Capricorn Foundation and the Wealth Inequality Initiative of the Julius Bär Foundation.

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